Played about 1500 hands today, 5/10NL on stars and UB (6-max) with a couple tables of 10/20NL on stars. I got pokertracker running from now on, so I can keep more track of the hands I play, make notes, and its easier to go pack and find hands that I can post on my blog.
Tournaments: $57.92
I played 10 tournaments today on stars, party, ub and paradise. Basically only had one good result and that was in the $100+9 rebuy on stars, where I got 15th. I lost a very big pot to Martine23, when he hit a two outter on the river with two tables left. I cashed in a $10+1 on stars. I will be playing a lot more MTTs than last time because I am in a TLB team challenge for the month of June. I have some good teammates and we will win the challenge hands down. I was going to play the super monday on partypoker, but the site crashed or something and they cancelled it... Another reason to add to the list of why I hate that site.
It was brought to my attention that I need some help deep in tournaments when I have a short stack. In the 109 rebuy, I had about 10BBs and it was 8-handed with two tables left. I pushed JTo under the gun, which I felt sick about right after I pressed the raise button. I ran into AA and obviously lost. The thing about tournaments is that I might have been able to get a little rush and come back and win the tournament, but I chose to shove there with JT. Maybe its because I am a cash game player and I got a little impatient, saw a mediocre hand, and decided to gamble. I would probably do this if it was folded to me on the button, but UTG was bad. Oh well... Lesson learned. Its midnight, end of day 1, and I am going to start another session up in a couple hours.
Oh yeah, I was playing a table on stars and I thought there was a glitch because I get dealt AA four times in a row. It was pretty strange so I took a screenshot...

Hand Histories:
- This hand was with a kind of tricky/aggressive player. I could have folded preflop, but I don't think I should have. I know that he does this play with other hands than AA. On the flop I think a raise pushes him off anything but AA or AK or JJ, so when I call I want him to bluff the turn and river. His turn bet looked super strong, and I knew he wasn't bluffing, I still don't think I can fold here though. River was standard by both of us. Basically I beat AQ here, or a bluff. I think he has AA here 30% of the time, AK 60% of the time, and a bluff 10% of the time.
Daily Total: $3,679.18
Goal Total: $3,679.18
I Still Need: $196,320.82
AA 4 times in a row man...the odds of that happening are like 2.3 billion to 1. Was the table furious with you?
They weren't mad because they didn't know, I didn't go to a showdown either of the hands. I bet they thought something was up when I reraised 4 times.
Hi Lee !
Great blog !
4 pairs of bullets in a row! You are a fawking luckbox dude!!!!
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