Sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while, I have been busy with some things, and I have been in Las Vegas for about 4 days with some friends that are playing the WSOP events. I drove up from Cottonwood AZ with bIlIaRdS, and came to the house that we are staying at for the summer. Its a real nice house in Henderson Nevada and there are some great poker-playing roomates. LURPED, pbdrunks, check_kills, H@LLINGGOL, bet2win, SamENole, biliards and I are all in the house. Its awesome to see everyone on their laptops playin online... There is another house a few minutes away with ahh_snap, reddogg, dbelhume, bel0wab0ve and more players who came over and played too. I have met a lot of players I have played with and learned a lot from them. Tonight I played the $150 on stars and got some help from PearlJammer and learned a lotta new stuff I didn't even consider.
This whole trip should be great experience. I have been playing online when I get the chance, and I even got to play live today at the Rio. Even though I am 18, they don't card anyone, so I haven't had any problems yet, besides getting set over setted in a $5k pot :)
I get kinda star-struck watching all the pro's I see on TV play literally right next to me, its very cool. Its also great to put a face on the online players I play with everyday, and learn things from them.
About the $200k challenge.... As you know I was about 10 days into it, running bad, and it kinda faded away. Since then I made cashouts and just gave up on the challenge and kinda messed around at lower limits. I am playing 5/10 still for now while I am in vegas, but I am not doing any kind of challenge. When I get to my new house in Tucson on August 5th, I will begin another challenge, probably $150k in a 100 days or something like that. For now I won't be updating my blog everyday with the goal.
There's a quick update for you, I will post if I can if anything cool happens down here in vegas!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Temprary Setup

Here is a pic of my temporary setup at my mom's place before I move to Tucson. We got the 4 Dell 20" monitors and the 30" Dell LCD TV (Thanks Stars FPP Store :) ), the xbox360 and SNES with super mario world, rock n roll racing, zelda, and battletoads. Some DVDs on the left that got cut off in the picture and a bunch of poker books and other reading material below the TV. Its all I could ask for and perfect for an online poker player!
The past week or so I have been trying to make a lot of fund transfers to my new accounts with rakeback. I had to deal with support from partypoker, ub, full tilt, stars and paradise. I would rank the support for those sites in this order: Stars, Party, Full Tilt, Paradise, then last and least, UB. UltimateBet took forever and they had to "investigate" my account for unknown reasons before they would let me have my money. So as it stands right now I cashed out of every site except pokerstars. I am going to play strictly on that site until I feel comfortable making a deposit into a different site. Right now I am waiting for all my funds to get through neteller and into pokerstars, which will probably take a few more days, then I will set a new goal or resume the 200/100 goal.
For now,
For now,
Friday, June 16, 2006
Short Break
I will be taking a break from the blog, and poker for a few days. I haven't played in the last couple days, but I will be back on Monday to resume my goal and this blog.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Day 10
Cash Games: -$5,191.23
5/10NL 6max on what can I say? Is this site rigged? I took some of the worst beats of my life today in this game and I am wondering if I will ever beat it. I mean, the setups I got into today are just unreal. I know variance is a big part of the game and I understand that it happens, but it seems to happen too much in this game. Something about it just makes me mad. Its so fast, and it would be such easy money if I knew what some of these players were thinking and if my hands held up.
Tournaments: -$320.00
I played the $320 MTT on stars today and played very well in my own opinion and just got unlucky a few times, getting in with QQ and losing to A5 all in preflop, then having to shove 6BBs UTG with 33 and ran into 55.
I only played about 1.5 hours today. I won about 2k at the 10/20NL stars game this morning around 2AM, then lost 7k at 5/10NL on UB this evening. Right now I am kind of debating calling it quits on UB. I really want to beat the 5/10 game regularly, but I don't know if its gonna happen. I have been thinking a lot today about taking a break for a while and coming back with a fresh start and well prepared to beat that game. Not only that, but I think a break would give me the opportunity to study more, watch more, take more notes, read more books, reread things, so I will know what to do during any given situation.
For the blogs sake, I really feel negative about this new goal. 200k in 100 days seems impossible right now by my results and mental state. I would need to have a sick run at 10/20 or have a big tournament score, which isn't really that fair, although it would be nice. So right now, I am gonna sleep on it, and try to think of something reasonable tomorrow.
Daily Total: $5,511.23
Goal Total: $5,980.49
I Still Need: $194,019.51
5/10NL 6max on what can I say? Is this site rigged? I took some of the worst beats of my life today in this game and I am wondering if I will ever beat it. I mean, the setups I got into today are just unreal. I know variance is a big part of the game and I understand that it happens, but it seems to happen too much in this game. Something about it just makes me mad. Its so fast, and it would be such easy money if I knew what some of these players were thinking and if my hands held up.
Tournaments: -$320.00
I played the $320 MTT on stars today and played very well in my own opinion and just got unlucky a few times, getting in with QQ and losing to A5 all in preflop, then having to shove 6BBs UTG with 33 and ran into 55.
I only played about 1.5 hours today. I won about 2k at the 10/20NL stars game this morning around 2AM, then lost 7k at 5/10NL on UB this evening. Right now I am kind of debating calling it quits on UB. I really want to beat the 5/10 game regularly, but I don't know if its gonna happen. I have been thinking a lot today about taking a break for a while and coming back with a fresh start and well prepared to beat that game. Not only that, but I think a break would give me the opportunity to study more, watch more, take more notes, read more books, reread things, so I will know what to do during any given situation.
For the blogs sake, I really feel negative about this new goal. 200k in 100 days seems impossible right now by my results and mental state. I would need to have a sick run at 10/20 or have a big tournament score, which isn't really that fair, although it would be nice. So right now, I am gonna sleep on it, and try to think of something reasonable tomorrow.
Daily Total: $5,511.23
Goal Total: $5,980.49
I Still Need: $194,019.51
Day 9
Cash Games: +$2,600.11
I played 5/10 on stars, UB and party. I probably played almost 3k hands at stars and was up only $550. I started the day off there and was down 3k in about 20 minutes. I quit for a little and then went back at it in the evening when the tables were packed. I lost another 3k, the proceeded to tilt and steamroll my way back up. I was playing fast and loose.
Tournaments: -$346.00
Played the $162 on stars and party, and a $22 on party, all during the time when I was steamrolling at 5/10 on stars and on major tilt. I got in with the best in both tournaments on stars and lost, then just gave up on party and lost. I didn't really focus... One day I will focus and win a tournament... One day.
Just another daily grind. I am too lazy to post hands.
Daily Total: $2,254.11
Goal Total: $11,491.72
I Still Need: $188,508.28
I played 5/10 on stars, UB and party. I probably played almost 3k hands at stars and was up only $550. I started the day off there and was down 3k in about 20 minutes. I quit for a little and then went back at it in the evening when the tables were packed. I lost another 3k, the proceeded to tilt and steamroll my way back up. I was playing fast and loose.
Tournaments: -$346.00
Played the $162 on stars and party, and a $22 on party, all during the time when I was steamrolling at 5/10 on stars and on major tilt. I got in with the best in both tournaments on stars and lost, then just gave up on party and lost. I didn't really focus... One day I will focus and win a tournament... One day.
Just another daily grind. I am too lazy to post hands.
Daily Total: $2,254.11
Goal Total: $11,491.72
I Still Need: $188,508.28
Monday, June 12, 2006
Day 8
Cash Games: -$211.85
Today I played 5/10 and 10/20 on stars and one table of 5/10 on UB. I got stacked twice at 10/20 for $4k+ pots each time by the same person. One of the hands was unlucky, but the other was my fault for making a stupid call trying to get revenge, or prove something. It was a dissapointing day to say the least.
Tournaments: -$811.00
I played the $109r and $22r on stars this afternoon and I didn't cash in either. I had a huge stack in the first hour of the 22r, but started raising with marginal hands during the later stages. I think I played good but I got a little bit out of control, then to top it off I got coolered for an 80k pot. The 109r just didn't go my way, lost all races, didn't hit flops, etc. But my friend beck_aa finished in 4th so thats cool.
Getting stacked at 10/20 sucks, my reaction to getting stacked was closing all my tables all at once and not playing. I got really mad and just took a breather, which was probably a good thing. I read some article by Taylor Caby that said that somone he knows hangs s sign over their computer that says something like 'Are you playing your best poker?' and if they answer that question with a no, then they don't play. I think something like this would help my stay cool when I am playing.
Also, as far as tournaments, if I want to win one, I either have to be extremely lucky throughout the whole tournament, or work on being a more patient player. I keep underestimating how important patience is. Beck_aa is a very patient player, from what I have noticed and he only makes moves when he has to. I make way too many moves and thats probably why I am not as consistent as he is.
Hand Histories:
Daily Total: $1,022.85
Goal Total: $9,237.61
I Still Need: $190,762.39
Today I played 5/10 and 10/20 on stars and one table of 5/10 on UB. I got stacked twice at 10/20 for $4k+ pots each time by the same person. One of the hands was unlucky, but the other was my fault for making a stupid call trying to get revenge, or prove something. It was a dissapointing day to say the least.
Tournaments: -$811.00
I played the $109r and $22r on stars this afternoon and I didn't cash in either. I had a huge stack in the first hour of the 22r, but started raising with marginal hands during the later stages. I think I played good but I got a little bit out of control, then to top it off I got coolered for an 80k pot. The 109r just didn't go my way, lost all races, didn't hit flops, etc. But my friend beck_aa finished in 4th so thats cool.
Getting stacked at 10/20 sucks, my reaction to getting stacked was closing all my tables all at once and not playing. I got really mad and just took a breather, which was probably a good thing. I read some article by Taylor Caby that said that somone he knows hangs s sign over their computer that says something like 'Are you playing your best poker?' and if they answer that question with a no, then they don't play. I think something like this would help my stay cool when I am playing.
Also, as far as tournaments, if I want to win one, I either have to be extremely lucky throughout the whole tournament, or work on being a more patient player. I keep underestimating how important patience is. Beck_aa is a very patient player, from what I have noticed and he only makes moves when he has to. I make way too many moves and thats probably why I am not as consistent as he is.
Hand Histories:
- Not upset about this one, his preflop call is very bad in my opinion and I think most people go broke here with my hand.
Daily Total: $1,022.85
Goal Total: $9,237.61
I Still Need: $190,762.39
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Day 7
Cash Games: +$6,911.35
Started off down $3k from 5/10NL. I played in the morning before the big tournaments, after a wild night last night, I wasn't sure if I was playing my best poker. I made a couple big moves on semi-bluffs and got stacked both times. The rest of the money just leaked away. I started another session after I got knocked out of my tournaments, 10/20 and 5/10 on stars. I ran good, hit some sets, hit some draws, etc. It ended up being a great, long session.
Tournaments: -$1,001.32
Today was Sunday so I played 6 tournaments, no real luck though. I believe I played good, and I definately got my money in with the best every tournament except one. Just a bad, bad tournament day for me.
I am running and playing really good in the 10/20nl game on stars. I think I am beginning to feel comfortable there. I don't wanna see what its going to be like when I run bad, but its bound to happen sooner or later.
Hand Histories:
Daily Total: $5,910.03
Goal Total: $10,260.46
I Still Need: $189,739.54
Started off down $3k from 5/10NL. I played in the morning before the big tournaments, after a wild night last night, I wasn't sure if I was playing my best poker. I made a couple big moves on semi-bluffs and got stacked both times. The rest of the money just leaked away. I started another session after I got knocked out of my tournaments, 10/20 and 5/10 on stars. I ran good, hit some sets, hit some draws, etc. It ended up being a great, long session.
Tournaments: -$1,001.32
Today was Sunday so I played 6 tournaments, no real luck though. I believe I played good, and I definately got my money in with the best every tournament except one. Just a bad, bad tournament day for me.
I am running and playing really good in the 10/20nl game on stars. I think I am beginning to feel comfortable there. I don't wanna see what its going to be like when I run bad, but its bound to happen sooner or later.
Hand Histories:
- Here is a well played hand by ZappyB. His range here is very big, and there is a good chance I could have him beat. I felt like he was bluffing here for some reason, but he played it good. touche
- Basically just mixing it up preflop, raising with a weird hand from early position and flopping what I consider the nuts. I bet out, willing to put my whole stack in on the flop. It also looks like I could have a big ace since I raised from EP. When I got raised on the flop, I figure I am up against AK at worst, most likely a set. I have great folding equity if I push, plus I have lots of outs, plus I am way ahead of some hands in his range, so I think a push is +EV (lol, I am not sure about this, but it sounds smart). I obviously hit and crack bottom set... ship it.
Daily Total: $5,910.03
Goal Total: $10,260.46
I Still Need: $189,739.54
Day 6
Cash Games: +$3,996.89
5/10 and 10/20 on stars along with a short 5/10 late night session on partypoker.
Quick update from yesterday. Today I am going to play the sunday special tournaments on four different sites, along with cash games, so I have a long day tomorrow.
Daily Total: $3,996.89
Goal Total: $4,350.43
I Still Need: $195,649.57
5/10 and 10/20 on stars along with a short 5/10 late night session on partypoker.
Quick update from yesterday. Today I am going to play the sunday special tournaments on four different sites, along with cash games, so I have a long day tomorrow.
Daily Total: $3,996.89
Goal Total: $4,350.43
I Still Need: $195,649.57
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Day 4 - 5 // Resuming
Cash Games: -$5,798.32
5/10NL on stars, 10/20NL on stars and 10/25NL on UB. I can attribute all the losses to the 10/25 and 5/10 game on UB.
Tournaments: -$765.75
Four tournaments on stars: $162 x 2, $109 rebuy, and $33 rebuy.
I decided to keep going on the goal, I initially wanted to take a break after I had a bad run at the 10/25nl game on UB, where I lost a lot (not really that much considering its 10/25nl). I am pretty much running awful on UB, so I am gonna have to move down before I bust my bankroll on that site, which sucks because its only going to slow me down, and I will not redeposit. I was frustrated from that and needed a day off, which I took, so now I guess I will keep going from here and try to get back on track.
I probably need to learn how to take bad swings better. Whenever I catch a bad run, it makes me play bad and makes me make bad decisions, and also effects me off the table, which is TERRIBLE. Sometimes this game is great, but when you are losing its so bad. It takes a really disciplined person to become the best. I definately don't want to be grinding away at a poker table for the rest of my life, so I am playing right now while I am young to make enough money so I can be set when I am older. I am trying to keep a balance between work and play, and trying to keep them seperated, and I have a lot of things I need to deal with off the table right now, that I can't let effect my game. We'll see how this goes...
Daily Total: $6,564.07
Goal Total: $353.54
I Still Need: $199,646.46
5/10NL on stars, 10/20NL on stars and 10/25NL on UB. I can attribute all the losses to the 10/25 and 5/10 game on UB.
Tournaments: -$765.75
Four tournaments on stars: $162 x 2, $109 rebuy, and $33 rebuy.
I decided to keep going on the goal, I initially wanted to take a break after I had a bad run at the 10/25nl game on UB, where I lost a lot (not really that much considering its 10/25nl). I am pretty much running awful on UB, so I am gonna have to move down before I bust my bankroll on that site, which sucks because its only going to slow me down, and I will not redeposit. I was frustrated from that and needed a day off, which I took, so now I guess I will keep going from here and try to get back on track.
I probably need to learn how to take bad swings better. Whenever I catch a bad run, it makes me play bad and makes me make bad decisions, and also effects me off the table, which is TERRIBLE. Sometimes this game is great, but when you are losing its so bad. It takes a really disciplined person to become the best. I definately don't want to be grinding away at a poker table for the rest of my life, so I am playing right now while I am young to make enough money so I can be set when I am older. I am trying to keep a balance between work and play, and trying to keep them seperated, and I have a lot of things I need to deal with off the table right now, that I can't let effect my game. We'll see how this goes...
Daily Total: $6,564.07
Goal Total: $353.54
I Still Need: $199,646.46
Friday, June 09, 2006
Taking a break from the blog
For personal reasons, I am going to take a break from keeping this blog updated. The goal is postponed I guess, I am not sure when I will pick it back up. Check back later..
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Day 3
Cash Games: -$2,142.82
I played for about 40 minutes on partypoker 5/10NL. One cooler, one set over set and one two outter. A quick, bad session.
Tournaments: -$320.00
I played the $300 on stars, thats all.
I didn't really feel like playing today, I didn't get much sleep and I had to go to a meeting in the afternoon, then I saw a movie with some friends at night, I also picked up a used Super Nintendo and got Super Mario World, Zelda and Battletoads (props if you used to play battletoads, its a great game) so I was pretty busy with that. It was kind of a break day, I will probably get back to hardcore sessions tomorrow.
Daily Total: -$2,462.82
Goal Total: $6,917.61
I Still Need: $193,082.39
I played for about 40 minutes on partypoker 5/10NL. One cooler, one set over set and one two outter. A quick, bad session.
Tournaments: -$320.00
I played the $300 on stars, thats all.
I didn't really feel like playing today, I didn't get much sleep and I had to go to a meeting in the afternoon, then I saw a movie with some friends at night, I also picked up a used Super Nintendo and got Super Mario World, Zelda and Battletoads (props if you used to play battletoads, its a great game) so I was pretty busy with that. It was kind of a break day, I will probably get back to hardcore sessions tomorrow.
Daily Total: -$2,462.82
Goal Total: $6,917.61
I Still Need: $193,082.39
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Day 2
Cash Games: +$5,915.13
I played some 5/10NL and 10/20NL on stars, then moved over to UB for about 30 minutes and played 3 tables of 5/10NL 6max and a 10/25NL 6max table. I ended up getting stacked at 10/25 on my 5th hand with AA, so I just quit. I was playing that game while I was playing a $22 MTT on stars and talking to some people online, and I had some company over so I wasn't able to focus at all, so that was a big mistake. I think I played some of my best poker in the 10/20nl game on stars. I will probably keep playing that as long as I am comfortable there.
Tournaments: -$213.88
Played the $162, $109 and $22 on stars. Poor results as usual. I cashed in the $22 for a small profit, and busted out early in the other two. There were 3 tables left in the $22 and I raised from the CO with A7o. SB re-popped me about 3.5x and I say "I know that this guy is making a move on me" and repush, lol. He had QQ and I busted. Also wasn't concentrating fully, and being stubborn, so stupid...
I will continue playing the 10/20nl game on stars and probably the 10/25nl game on UB. Its a jump from the regular 5/10 games, but I have to do that to make my new goal, and I think its a good time to move up.
Hand Histories:
Daily Total: $5,701.25
Goal Total: $9,380.43
I Still Need: $190,619.57
I played some 5/10NL and 10/20NL on stars, then moved over to UB for about 30 minutes and played 3 tables of 5/10NL 6max and a 10/25NL 6max table. I ended up getting stacked at 10/25 on my 5th hand with AA, so I just quit. I was playing that game while I was playing a $22 MTT on stars and talking to some people online, and I had some company over so I wasn't able to focus at all, so that was a big mistake. I think I played some of my best poker in the 10/20nl game on stars. I will probably keep playing that as long as I am comfortable there.
Tournaments: -$213.88
Played the $162, $109 and $22 on stars. Poor results as usual. I cashed in the $22 for a small profit, and busted out early in the other two. There were 3 tables left in the $22 and I raised from the CO with A7o. SB re-popped me about 3.5x and I say "I know that this guy is making a move on me" and repush, lol. He had QQ and I busted. Also wasn't concentrating fully, and being stubborn, so stupid...
I will continue playing the 10/20nl game on stars and probably the 10/25nl game on UB. Its a jump from the regular 5/10 games, but I have to do that to make my new goal, and I think its a good time to move up.
Hand Histories:
- Interesting spot. On a draw-heavy board, I really wanted to three-bet this, but wussed out. I lost my hand on the turn and river and just shut down. I think its best to three bet here and get a clear view of where you are in the hand.
- 10/20 hand vs. strassa, I was so sure I had the best hand here, and I was pretty sure he was pushing with AK. I insta-called and just got unlucky. Maybe I could have smooth called the flop and raised the turn.
Daily Total: $5,701.25
Goal Total: $9,380.43
I Still Need: $190,619.57
Monday, June 05, 2006
Day 1
Cash Games: +$3,737.10
Played about 1500 hands today, 5/10NL on stars and UB (6-max) with a couple tables of 10/20NL on stars. I got pokertracker running from now on, so I can keep more track of the hands I play, make notes, and its easier to go pack and find hands that I can post on my blog.
Tournaments: $57.92
I played 10 tournaments today on stars, party, ub and paradise. Basically only had one good result and that was in the $100+9 rebuy on stars, where I got 15th. I lost a very big pot to Martine23, when he hit a two outter on the river with two tables left. I cashed in a $10+1 on stars. I will be playing a lot more MTTs than last time because I am in a TLB team challenge for the month of June. I have some good teammates and we will win the challenge hands down. I was going to play the super monday on partypoker, but the site crashed or something and they cancelled it... Another reason to add to the list of why I hate that site.
It was brought to my attention that I need some help deep in tournaments when I have a short stack. In the 109 rebuy, I had about 10BBs and it was 8-handed with two tables left. I pushed JTo under the gun, which I felt sick about right after I pressed the raise button. I ran into AA and obviously lost. The thing about tournaments is that I might have been able to get a little rush and come back and win the tournament, but I chose to shove there with JT. Maybe its because I am a cash game player and I got a little impatient, saw a mediocre hand, and decided to gamble. I would probably do this if it was folded to me on the button, but UTG was bad. Oh well... Lesson learned. Its midnight, end of day 1, and I am going to start another session up in a couple hours.
Oh yeah, I was playing a table on stars and I thought there was a glitch because I get dealt AA four times in a row. It was pretty strange so I took a screenshot...

Hand Histories:
Daily Total: $3,679.18
Goal Total: $3,679.18
I Still Need: $196,320.82
Played about 1500 hands today, 5/10NL on stars and UB (6-max) with a couple tables of 10/20NL on stars. I got pokertracker running from now on, so I can keep more track of the hands I play, make notes, and its easier to go pack and find hands that I can post on my blog.
Tournaments: $57.92
I played 10 tournaments today on stars, party, ub and paradise. Basically only had one good result and that was in the $100+9 rebuy on stars, where I got 15th. I lost a very big pot to Martine23, when he hit a two outter on the river with two tables left. I cashed in a $10+1 on stars. I will be playing a lot more MTTs than last time because I am in a TLB team challenge for the month of June. I have some good teammates and we will win the challenge hands down. I was going to play the super monday on partypoker, but the site crashed or something and they cancelled it... Another reason to add to the list of why I hate that site.
It was brought to my attention that I need some help deep in tournaments when I have a short stack. In the 109 rebuy, I had about 10BBs and it was 8-handed with two tables left. I pushed JTo under the gun, which I felt sick about right after I pressed the raise button. I ran into AA and obviously lost. The thing about tournaments is that I might have been able to get a little rush and come back and win the tournament, but I chose to shove there with JT. Maybe its because I am a cash game player and I got a little impatient, saw a mediocre hand, and decided to gamble. I would probably do this if it was folded to me on the button, but UTG was bad. Oh well... Lesson learned. Its midnight, end of day 1, and I am going to start another session up in a couple hours.
Oh yeah, I was playing a table on stars and I thought there was a glitch because I get dealt AA four times in a row. It was pretty strange so I took a screenshot...

Hand Histories:
- This hand was with a kind of tricky/aggressive player. I could have folded preflop, but I don't think I should have. I know that he does this play with other hands than AA. On the flop I think a raise pushes him off anything but AA or AK or JJ, so when I call I want him to bluff the turn and river. His turn bet looked super strong, and I knew he wasn't bluffing, I still don't think I can fold here though. River was standard by both of us. Basically I beat AQ here, or a bluff. I think he has AA here 30% of the time, AK 60% of the time, and a bluff 10% of the time.
Daily Total: $3,679.18
Goal Total: $3,679.18
I Still Need: $196,320.82
$200k in 100 Days
The new goal will be to make $200,000.00 in 100 days playing MTTs, SNGs and Cash Games.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
New Goal... You Pick It.
Since I have accomplished my 100k/100days goal, I am not sure what to do with the blog. I have been trying to think of a new goal I could do, but couldn't come up with anything. I decided to leave it up to the readers for them to pick the new goal. If you have any ideas please e-mail me at or leave a comment on this post. Please be realistic, no $1,000,000.00 in 10 days playing 5/10-nl, lol. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.
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